Saturday, August 29, 2009

Here we go again

It's hard to believe that another campaign season is here. Four years ago I was pregnant with Jack, we were living at our old house and Lauren was Jack's age now. I remember after Scott won the last election thinking that 4 years was a long time. It's passed by quickly, and it's time to go for it again. We spent the last couple of days putting together signs and placing them all over town. We are very grateful for the warm response we have recieved from the citizens. The next couple of months will be busy, but whats new...bring it on! Oh yeah and "Vote for Scott"! Thanks!


Levi said...
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Martins said...

So Whate exactly does Scott do on City Counsel???

Hey, your last comment that was deleted was me. My friend Levi had logged on and I hadn't realized it until I left you a comment and it said LEVI... oopsy,

Sarah said...

Hey, we want a sign in our yard!! Go Scott!